I doubt if we have enough thick ice left for ringed seals to successfully rear young. This will leave polar bears hungry. I doubt if we have enough ice flows over shallow water for walrus to rear their young. . . . I think that over the next 5 years we will see a shocking loss of Arctic wildlife -- Even if we do not set any new records this year.
Well, if nobody else is putting one together, here's an announcement: http://lablemminglounge.blogspot.com/2009/06/minimum-arctic-sea-ice-extent-betting.html
I prefer this one:
Is there an on-line betting pool for this season?
I doubt if we have enough thick ice left for ringed seals to successfully rear young. This will leave polar bears hungry. I doubt if we have enough ice flows over shallow water for walrus to rear their young. . . . I think that over the next 5 years we will see a shocking loss of Arctic wildlife -- Even if we do not set any new records this year.
Well, if nobody else is putting one together, here's an announcement:
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