Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's Not That Hard

The Climate Spin blog has been interesting of late.

In a recent article, Rob Jacob points to recent improvements in science journalism exemplified by Newsweek reporter Sharon Begley.

While it's starting to dawn on American journalists how they have been played like a fiddle for the past couple of decades, (something many of us have found painfully obvious all the while) it still seems that they miss important stories. It amazes me that a unanimous declaration by all the G8 science academies got no reporting whatsoever outside a few blogs.

I'd like to know how things get to be considered news at all.


  1. To be fair to reporters, many of them are under huge pressures in today's corporate news world, and often can't be blamed for stupid decisions their bosses make. (A friend of mine -- an amazing political journalist in Japan with a wealth of experience -- has been consigned to the stocks desk of all places!)

    And yet ... you also see a certain groupthink among elite journalists that seems impervious to criticism. After all, they got the creation-evolution story wrong time and again until recently. You try to correct them, and they peg you as a dirty blogger.

    In years to come, sociologists will write PhDs about the culture of today's reporters.

    BTW, speaking of elite cultures, just thought I'd say how much I value your posts that peel back the veil on the way scientists work in the climate field. (It's especially clever the way you hide your part in the worldwide plot to take over the world for socialism. Bwah-ha-ha!)


  2. I really want it to be true. So, I am glad to report that it appears to be true, though I admit to still be hanging on to a shred of doubt.

    Michael Tobis, please explain this. E-mail me if you have to.



  3. I don't mean I want the statement to be true. The statement pretty much is very obviously, and very unfortunately true.

    I want it to be true that the world's scientists had the gumption to confront the world's politicians with these sobering facts. I am glad that part is true.

    On the other hand, I really don't want it to be true that the world's journalists continue to ignore this important event. I am sad that that part is true.

    I wrote a Grist article called "bad news about good news about bad news" that explains in more detail.


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