Saturday, October 27, 2007


The topic of the Yale Forum site is supposed to be "climate change and the media" but there are some nice climate change as such articles showing up, too, especially ones by Zeke Hausfather.

There's a new player on the scene who'll jump to the head of the line instantly. David Revkin of the NYTimes, a very fine reporter, now has a blog called DotEarth. I've been impressed with NYT columnist Krugman's efforts, and Revken seems serious about keeping his up as well. It will be interesting to see how journalists adapt to the form. I hope Revkin will stay somewhat in touch with the rest of us, though, and not just limit himself to conventional sources.

I also added a couple of other sites. It is getting hard to keep up, but my blog roll really is the set of blogs I try to follow. I've been leaving off the better known ones like Gristmill, Climate Progress and Intersection, but maybe they aren't obvious to my readers, and it helps me keep my reading organized.

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