Thursday, January 10, 2008

Science and Politics Intersecting, Correlating etc.

Via email from Sheril:
Hey folks,

Today at 2pm, listen in on NPR's Science Friday with Ira Flatow on the Call for a Science Debate:

Friday, January 11th, 2008
Hour One- 2pm EDT
The Call for A Science Debate

"Should the presidential candidates participate in a debate focusing on science, technology, and the environment? A group of voters has started a petition movement calling for a science debate."

Details on today's program here:
On a related note, Atmoz spots a good starting point at Physics Today, compiling candidates'
positions on science-related matters.


  1. Maybe it's their science advisors who should talk, as probably the candidates are pretty clueless about science.

  2. Carter was an engineer.

    He's not regarded as a successful president but I think there's something to be said for trying to do the right thing and failing as opposed to not trying at all.


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