Friday, December 5, 2008

Celebrate the end of the Rat Race

Via Wikipedia:
Linus Torvalds himself also describes a notion as Linus's Law in the prologue to the book The Hacker Ethic: "Linus's Law says that all of our motivations fall into three basic categories. More important, progress is about going through those very same things as 'phases' in a process of evolution, a matter of passing from one category to the next. The categories, in order, are 'survival', 'social life', and 'entertainment'."
So stop worrying. Kick back. Set a spell. This is progress.




  2. This sounds like an abbreviated Maslow. I find self-actualized and transcendent folks to be wonderfully entertaining.

  3. Reminds me more of the Hitchhiker's guide:

    How will we eat?
    Why do we eat?
    Where should we have lunch?



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