Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Great Harvest on Twitter Today!

The most time-consuming find is this one: Montreal bagels! I have no choice but to try recipe and report. Cursed internet! http://is.gd/vePl via http://is.gd/ukmA

  • @johndcook Radiohead/Brubek mashup: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2009/02/27/music-in-54-time/
  • RT @thegreengrok Obama has relaunched a Bush climate initiative by convening 17 biggest economies for a meeting http://tinyurl.com/cwmrr3
  • RT @AlexSteffen "Climate deniers spin geoengineering as answer" article http://tinyurl.com/c42bpl . Fine article at WorldChanging.com .
  • @abhishektiwari Liked "Scientific Blogging: Ignore It and Be Ignored?" http://ff.im/2qk4f
  • @TEDchris Today's fascinating #TED talk on brain plasticity is gaining ground at digg. Will you help? http://digg.com/d1podh
  • @timoreilly Excellent: Google book search settlement deadline extended to Sept 4. http://bit.ly/nNrTB
  • @abhishektiwari Liked "Check out this great post about science blogging by Jean-Claude Bradley "Is it becoming dangerous NOT to..." http://ff.im/2qOeQ
  • @LizNeeley Now I love fish (species, not food) but this NYT article on fishless lakes is very cool. RT @conservationmag - http://tiny.cc/VUIJ4
  • @ianbicking RT @mudstuffing Huge Mexican Clay Stamps made from tires.... http://tinyurl.com/cpnefp (via @potteryblog)
  • @grist How this little piggy got the flu? RT @tomphilpott: My update on possible Smithfield/swine flu link: http://tinyurl.com/c89apr #swineflu
  • @LizNeeley Great essay on Two Cultures: need to align science/gov/literary intellectual camps. RT @2020science via @sciandthecity - http://bit.ly/vq5tx
  • @radar Ignite Seattle (and elsewhere) Tomorrow, 4/29 http://tinyurl.com/dmyzod
  • @timoreilly The Economist makes sense on why electric bikes may be better than electric cars. http://bit.ly/OspAL (via Saul Griffith in email)
Too much! This is what I call wealth, and yet nobody will even let me pay for it.

Anyway, do follow me on Twitter...

1 comment:

  1. Damn you and your twitter harvest. I have work to do. Places to be. People to meet. I can't spend time listening to great mashups or reading about science. Next time I'll have to report you to Glenn Beck.


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