Monday, May 18, 2009

Yeah, right

American passenger train service:

Train service to Toronto for the severely irrational. But though Air Canada services the route, people who travel between those two places may be uncommon.

What about just zipping across the southern tier?

Holy three days and five hours, Batman! (Three days and seven hours with the time zones, actually.)

For comparison (both one-way), the bus takes 25 hours and costs $71.50 with advanced purchase. Google says it is a 16 hour drive.

Oops. It appears that the Gulf Coast route, though marked on the map, isn't in service at all.

1 comment:

  1. Try booking an equivalent trip from Lisbon to Berlin. The best I could come up with took 36 hours and cost $471. So while better than our trains it is not that much better.


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Err on the side of politesse and understatement please.

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