Thursday, October 8, 2009

AGU reorganization: Please Vote if You Can

The AGU leadership unanimously recommends a formal reorganization.

An introduction to the matter at issue is here:

and if you have access to EOS, here:

There's a document tracking changes to the charter here in Word format:

I've uploaded it as a PDF for the benefit of those who eschew Word format.

The main point is separation of a larger Council (focused on scientific issues) and a smaller Board (focused on administrative issues) to replace the current Board of Directors. Readers of this blog will be interested in this change as it potentially enhances the capacities of AGU for public outreach on matters of earth science.

It is necessary to motivate 10% of the membership (full members, not non-geophysicist associates) to vote in order for these changes to take effect. Please pitch in if you can.

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