I wanted to make sure you saw Swifthack.com, which I launched this morning.Update: Most of the links were removed above because the paste bollixed them up. (Thanks Oliver!) The remaining ones are tested. I kept the Jeff Masters "ClimateGate" one because it's one you shouldn't miss if you are still focused on these events.
SwiftHack.com offers dozens of links daily to reality-based news and analysis related to the ClimateGate story. The site will serve as an informal clearinghouse for pushback against the rapidly developing SwiftHack smear campaign against climate science.Scientists, advocates, activists, bloggers and journalists have begun the important work of educating their audiences on the true story of ClimateGate -- the latest iteration of a decades-long smear campaign against climate science).
SwiftHack.com intends to be a repository of such efforts. With talks now underway in Copenhagen, correcting the false narratives being pushed by an army of oil-funded deniers is especially critical.
I need your help to make this site successful. First and foremost, email ideas, tips, blog posts and news headlines to swifthack at gmail d0t c0m. Second, please help spread the word about the site however you can.
Thanks for all that you do.
Josh Nelson
Monday, December 7, 2009
SwiftHack Pushback Site
Just got this in the mail:
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