Sunday, February 21, 2010

AAAS Tweets by Jamie Vernon

Wish I could have been there!

Here's just a selection from the amazingly thought-provoking AAAS meeting tweets by local boy @JLVernonPhd

Eric Lander: It is the responsibilty of all of us to make sure we deliver on the President's investment in science. #AAAS10
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: support for STEM is really about creating the informed citizenry that we need #AAAS10
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: if we fail to lead in clean energy our children will pay for it #AAAS10
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: The vast majority of companies leading in green energy lie outside the US #AAAS10
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: Deep collaboration between science and economics is crucial. #AAAS10
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: the rightful place of science merits vigorous public investment #AAAS10
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: the rightful place of science is in humility and not overstating #AAAS10
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: Stimulus has been so effective that people forget how close we were to the precipice if disaster. #AAAS10
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander: what is the rightful place of science? It's in the President's Cabinet. #AAAS10
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck

Eric Lander:FY2011 budget contains nothing less than an overhaul of NASA. Holdren "it's about putting science back in rocket science"#AAAS10
about 18 hours ago from TweetDeck

Didn't know I was attending a meeting to poison the environment (according to protesters) what end? I have no idea. #AAAS10
11:00 AM Feb 20th from TweetDeck

Was nearly assaulted by protester outside the meeting because I asked them if they had any scientific evidence for their arguments. #AAAS10
10:52 AM Feb 20th from TweetDeck

Ron Howard: Audiences want portrayal of science in films to ring true. #AAAS10
7:14 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Second time today that popularizing science has been promoted. Seems a paradigm shift is occurring before my eyes! #AAAS10
7:01 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Elizabeth Daley: Our part at the USC lab will be to tell the stories of discovery. / To teach about the process of discovery.
6:59 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Again the simplistic and ineffective media coverage of science is mentioned. The media is really taking a beating at#AAAS10
6:53 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Dan Yankelovich: If your opponents feel that you have done justice to their position, you are more likely to achieve your goals. #AAAS10
4:42 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Neal Lane: Scientific institutions (university) must take responsibility for science and scientists AND defend them from attacks. #AAAS10
4:38 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Neal Lane: Are blogs the answer? How many scientists have the time to do good science and blog? #AAAS10
4:31 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Neal Lane: Its hard to imagine scientists having success countering the antiscience parties without similar financial commitment. #AAAS10
4:29 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

RT @JLVernonPhD: Neal Lane: how should scientists deal with lies, innuendo and character assassination? #AAAS10
4:27 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Promising. Jean Johnson: Americans feel strongly that we should seek alternative fuel sources. #AAAS10
4:13 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Jean Johnson: 65% Amer. think US has more than 10% world oil reserves. Actually only 2.4% #AAAS10
4:10 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Jean Johnson: 4 in 10 Americans cannot name a fossil fuel.#AAAS10
4:05 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

This is the third symposium today where the faults of the media in appropriate science coverage have been mentioned.#AAAS10
3:49 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Lewis Branscomb: science cannot rely on scientists telling the public what scientists think they need to know #AAAS10
3:47 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Lewis Branscomb: if the public is ignorant of the science how can they find trust in their representatives #AAAS10
3:43 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Lewis Branscomb: if science is corrupted by government then govt is surely to become corrupted as well #AAAS10
3:41 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Ahhh! They'd rather cover this than real climate science. RT @lizlandau: CNN: the science of superheroes: #aaas10
3:27 PM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

SS: MSM biz model: send general news reporter to cover science, send specialist to Super Bowl, despite the fate of earth in balance. #AAAS10
11:50 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

SS: Fox and MSNBC are essentially propaganda. #AAAS10
11:47 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Quest: Is it helpful to characterize the media as "Fox News." SS: Outside of a few, there's been such an incredible dumbing down of MSM.
11:45 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

SS: If you don't have fast synapses don't do talk shows, don't sit on the other side of Limbaugh. #AAAS10
11:25 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Steve Schneider: Encourage popularizers who follow responsible practices, expose those who are unclear or biased. #AAAS10
11:20 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

SS: Scientists have failed to overcome the false doctrine of media balance. #AAAS10
11:07 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

Stephen Scheider science is not a democracy. Quality trumps equality. #AAAS10
11:05 AM Feb 19th from TweetDeck

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