Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Michael Mann in the News

Intrepid journalism at work, presented without comment:
Megyn Kelly, Fox News: His [Mann's] emails, or, there were emails from a University in England were released online, that's what really got this whole thing started, because they reflected that, you know, this whole climategate and so on was being invented, or, at least, seriously question the science behind it, and suggested that he has been manipulating it, and then, but then, in Mr. Mann's defense, apparently, he has faced investigations both by Penn State and in England, and (incredulously) both found his work to be acceptable, so, does Mr. Mann have a case?

Marc Morano
: No.


  1. Incisive, informative and "fair and balanced".

  2. Comer v. Murphy Oil USA

  3. I'm having trouble parsing Kelly's words into anything that even remotely makes sense.

  4. Well, he can always sue and then we can see exactly what he's made of - er, no, no, not 'Madoff', I mean 'made of'!

    David Duff

  5. Stephen, I agree. Her blithering isn't consistent with any known version of the denialist story, never mind reality.

    But did Morano set her "straight"? Nope. He just went directly to what he wanted to say.

    Which illustrates that there is no particular interest in facts at Fox. "Fairness" and "balance", well, perhaps of a sort, but "information"?


  6. I find it funny that they’re quick to accuse others of vested interest in the green movement when it’s been clearly demonstrated that many of the champions of climate denial are without a doubt on the payroll of oil. DesmogBlog likes to highlight this fact a lot.
    Personally, I feel this whole debate has very little to do with science anymore. There’s far more at stake here than just climate change and people like these two in this clip do nothing but encourage inaction. It’s more or less kin to the Amish. If the conservative right is all about money and progress, they should rightfully acknowledge that adaptation to a changing climate is progress (regardless of the reasons, climate is changing) and effective resource management should include the realization that fossil fuels are on a downward slope of depletion and economies will need to run on other means of power..

  7. Michael Mann was a top UN scientist who was peddling stuff to the UN?

  8. Again the question is this: What are we going to do about this nonsense?

    Please, please, no more of that 'We need to find out more about how it came about before we can do anything about it, and we need to convince other people that we need to do something about it before we can do anything about it, and we need to convince them to convince yet more other people that we need to do something about it before we can do anything about it, and we're scientists who just want to do research argh can you just leave all of us alone and oh we're still waiting for the fairy godjournalist to swoop down like a superhero and do actual investigative research and these things take time by which I mean a lot of time and besides I'm sure Megyn Kelly means well so we should just keep trying to convince her even though I insist we won't be able to convince her even though she means well so we should keep trying to convince her even though I insist we won't be able to convince her even though she means well so we should keep trying to convince her even though ...'

    No more of that. No more. What we need more of is the answer to the question: What are we going to do about this nonsense?

    Do we complain loudly to the Guardian, naming names of 'skeptical' journalists? Do we flood Kelly's snail mail box with letters or something? Do we create our own video as a reply? Or do we just comment about it on one single blog and leave it at that?

    -- frank


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