Friday, October 29, 2010

Not Tories

More proof, if any were needed, that American conservatives are not conservative: they identify their opposition with the aristocracy via a (weak attempt at a) posh accent.

It's a topsy turvy world down here. You never could tell the good guys from the bad guys from day one. Hey, Lord Monckton! These are not really your friends!

I don't like this guy's politics by the way, but I love his accent. That is the strand of Texas vernacular I aspire to.

And make no mistake, this ad shows he is running mostly on a platform of talkin Tixen and bein Tixen. And catch that Texas swing fiddle in the second half! Yeehaw! Yep, we may mess up the whole world before we're done, but we shore do know how to have a good time! Now that's conservative!

Ain't it?


  1. You know, talk radio appeals to a lot of folks that the advert is meant to mobilize. Perhaps those folks ain't the readin kind. Maybe ya oughta do somer yer bloggin in audio recordins an fetcherself a wider audience. It'd give ye more practicin too.

  2. I love that a land commissioner can't actually do anything about Washington meddling in guns, "health care", federal spending, unemployment or ... duck and country music? But in Tixes he can run on that platform and probably win.

  3. Yeah, keep them shordinnay sippin Warshinton librul leetists with their funny British accents out of road right of way disputes in Fort Bend County! That'll show em.

    Actually state offices in Texas have funny names to throw you off the trail. The Railroad Commissioner is in charge of regulation of oil and gas drilling and recovery, for instance. Historically the Texas Railroad Commissioner has been one of the most powerful figures in the world energy industry.

    So what does the land commissioner do? Mostly veterans affairs, apparently. He is in charge of taking handouts from Washington.

  4. Texas? Eli bought the damn thing in the savings and loan bailout. Should have sold it to the Saudis.

  5. Strike up the band, boys, and pass the biscuits.

    Ma Ferguson, if I recall correctly, when asked any question of substance.


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