Thursday, May 26, 2011

Texas Drought Video

From the LA Times. H/T Joe Romm.



  1. Just catching up and noticed Earth Observatory has a startling item about Mexican fires this year, including lots of grass from wet year last year.

    It is hard to keep in mind the continuing effects of the previous disastrous events as so much new is added to the plate in such a short time.

    Also interesting is the likely arrival of Typhoon Songa off the coast of Japan:

  2. We in Alaska have had a "beetle bowl" for quite a while now.

    BTW I am a little worried about what seems to be a merger (submerging?) of Climate Progress with Think Progress tomorrow. Is this their foundation saving money? Is it message control?

    Nothing against Think Progress but it's not filling any unique need.

  3. Don't underestimate ThinkProgress. Yeaman work on Kochs. May be an improvement.

  4. Texas bowl becomes southwest bowl.

    Gives a new meaning to bowl games...

  5. Oh Nooz, we all know that William hates Joes the Romm.


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