Saturday, June 25, 2011

TX Panhandle all-time record temperature

All time high recorded at Amarillo Texas.
We were going to give you the exact time it took to melt an ice cube (with video proof), but after a quarter of an hour in the sweltering heat, all we came back with was a bag full of water, a malfunctioning iPhone and a sunburn.

Not long after we learned the temperature had finally peaked at 109 degrees,
breaking the all-time high record for Amarillo, someone got the bright idea to see how long it would take to melt an ice cube on the sidewalk.
Intrepid reporter melts ice cube, iPhone; doesn't mention climate change.


  1. Why is Michael Tobis, who calls himself a climate scientist, talking about the weather while Anthony Watts, who calls himself a meteorologist, talking about climate?

  2. It's worse than that: I'm mostly writing about economics at the moment. However, I believe all time high temperatures are climate-related events, for what that's worth.

  3. I think we probably need a new term - something to describe the feeling that warmists like myself feel as we look out the window and interpret the weather through a climate prism. The interesting point is, of course: there's no way the weather's the same as it would be without human interference. It's just how much that difference is ampilified.

    But yes, we need a word.

  4. Ah, that's just Texas hot. Talk to me when it gets to be Death Valley hot. :)

    The difficulty with you-know-who is that there are just too damned many snipes and snarks on the way to learning something about climate.

    Dan, global weirding and climate disruption have both been put forward.

  5. Well, I went and visited WUWT only to find an over-the-top political diatribe backed up by some lies about climate. Imagine that.

    But that AW sure does seize the moral high ground in attacking Wirth for the latter's political theater, having in the past scrupulously avoided e.g. featuring the Inhofe family igloo. Oh wait...

    It's amusing that he attacks Hansen's "Target CO2" paper without having read it, or at least so it seems since he accuses Hansen of having not shown his work in arriving at the 350 ppm limit, and indeed just having picked the level extant at the time of the Wirth hearing.

    I like it most of all, though, when AW does something to expose his paleocon nature, as in his use of the phrase "Jewish race." Perfect.

    Damned Caucasians. :)

  6. Thanks Steve, you caused me to visit WUWT. It turns out there's no risk of increased flooding because 1988.

  7. Yes sonny, Grandpa remembers the summer of aught eleven. Hot enough to roast a blackberry it was. I was in El Paso for a week one summer and we were glad when it got down to 109. Steve and Dan, drawn to Watts like moths to the flame. I enjoy the sea ice graphic there and the quick links to stoat and Pielke jr.

  8. I can't resist, sorry to be OT but to Steve Bloom:

    I do lots of camping, exploring, and hiking in the Mojave, Sonoran, and Great Basin deserts during all seasons. One time in August I was in the Death Valley vicinity and thought I'd visit Furnace Creek where the temperature was in the mid 120s. I pulled up in my 4WD pickup with 32 gallon water tank, lift kit, a variety of other items for many days of desert self-sufficiency. I figured my friend and I would be pretty much alone. But what we found (temp. of 124 degrees Fahrenheit) was a surfeit of empty small white rental cars and many dozens of folks walking around in the salt encrusted mud, nearly all speaking French.

  9. That's pretty funny, KotR. I assume they didn't stay long. I should add that as a long-time CA resident I've been to dead-bottom DV precisely once, at the winter solstice. It was weird since everything looked like it should be hot, but I don't think it broke 60F. It was dead still at the time as well, and that plus the palpable air pressure difference (maybe an illusion) made for a slightly eerie atmosphere. I suppose I should expect none of that visiting Amarillo at that time of year. :)

  10. The social psychology is interesting, PK, although I do try to limit my visits. I pay attention to you on that level, too.

  11. Tom:

    "...while Anthony Watts, who *calls* himself a meteorologist..."

    Tom was half right, anyway, given that Anthony's high school education and career as a TV weather presenter doesn't make him a *real* meteorologist.

    On the other hand, Tobis doesn't "call" himself a climatologist, he works as one.

    Here's a real meteorologist, one with a PhD, talking about recent weather events. Just for you, Tom.

  12. Well, the PhD is real, but I'd love to go pro on the writing. The trouble is, lying seems more lucrative than trying to get at the truth.

    Anyway, a meteorologist on a mailing list I frequent says "Most of my meteorological colleagues are in a mild state of shock. Surreal is the word that comes to mind – like something out of a Spielberg movie."

    It's not obvious how to add up all the weird events to say that we have broken out of the old normal. But informally, meteorological professionals are coming around, not through the force of argument, but from direct observation of extreme events globally.

    This is NOT a good thing. I don't believe we expected that to be happening by 2011. It doesn't speak well for the science, because we apparently understated the risks. And it definitely speaks ill of our prospects, given that we can't seem to get a grip.

  13. "This is NOT a good thing. I don't believe we expected that to be happening by 2011."

    If we're lucky, it's not the new normal: kicking the system may lead to an oscillation between Large Wobbly Periods and Large Becalmed Periods. Things may well calm down again, to be interspersed occasionally by more global weirding.

    Question: can our understanding of existing oscillations (e.g. NAO) help with understanding what character of timings we can expect overall?


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