I hope the quality of conversation that has emerged on this site, of which I am very proud, can be transferred and scaled up on Planet3.0. We have in mind a number of experiments to facilitate intelligent and informed conversation, but they need a nucleus of participants.
So especially if you have been a contributor at this site, I'd like to ask you for a modest if kind favor. Please sign in at the Planet3.0 site and participate in the conversation there. Let's show the world how it's done.
It's called Planet 3.0 because you need to go through three succeeding Email challenges, evidently.
Is "sign in" the same as "request an invite"?
(...which sounds like "request an invite to have my blog featured among the other P3 blogs"; esp. since it wanted a link to a sample of my writing; which put me off, at the time, as my blogs' caliber is not that of the extant P3 contributors'.)
i.e. a distinction between "discussion participant" and "presenter" might be helpful.
Also: I'm kind of down on commenting these days because it's evanescent (unless it's a faux pas in which case it'll be elevated & emblazoned in lights forever) - so - a) consider the opportunity cost of commenting; and b) consider increasing the value of commenting by recording/filtering the best of it for posterity (and easy access).
One way to facilitate ease-of-later-use might be with a custom comment form - taking the "title" field (that DeSmogBlog has, among others) and renaming it "In short:" or some such.
I will try, thank you very much
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