Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Fool That Was Mentioned

Gus McPherson posted

Here's Revkin's piece.

I'm softening on Nye, whom I didn't like a long time ago when I saw Lindzen chewing him up for lunch in an ill-considered debate. He seems to have upped his climate game considerably.

Anyway, I'm gratified to see that Revkin saw fit to mention my takedown of McPherson.

Also I'm bemused that I came up in McPherson's thread.



  1. I've played a bit in their sandbox. Fortunately, they are without power to accomplish their ends and subsist on their superior knowledge that they know we're all doomed and we don't. Is it: a) sad; b) pathetic; c) smug, arrogant, self-congratulatory; d) despicable; e) all of the above? Obviously, it's e) all of the above. I will occasionally read those who annoy the crap out of me (Kunstler) or even disgust me (Heller a.k.a. Goddard) but I won't go there again. We're in the midst of a terrible drought here in California and I don't want to make repeated showers necessary.

    Feel free (as if you need my permission) to delete for excessive rudeness.

  2. Difficult to be excessively rude to that guy.


Moderation is on. Apologies for any delays.

Err on the side of politesse and understatement please.

Before you speak, ask yourself if what you have to say will improve on silence.