Monday, November 9, 2015

This morning's tweets

I think I was on. Nothing you haven't heard before, but in pithy quotable 140-character chunks. Kicked off by my pointing Fab at my article CO2 On Trial


  1. What did you learn from this exchange?

  2. About Fab? He's drank the kool-ade. Nothing to be done about him as an individual.

    Not an exchange really. I just wanted to keep some of my pithy quotes form vanishing down the Twitter memory hole.

  3. Michael, your "CO2 on trial" piece was magnificent. I agreed with every word of it! You have a rare ability to get to the heart of the matter succinctly. If only you had a larger audience 8^(!

  4. Thanks immensely, Mal.

    I need to develop self-promotion skills even though I really hate tooting my own horn very much.

  5. About Fab? He's drank the kool-ade. Nothing to be done about him as an individual.
    Yes, I think he has. It's unfortunate because - as you've said - some of his writing is pretty good, but he seems to have a real blindspot when it comes to this topic. It's hard to take someone seriously when they're so misinformed about a topic you think you understand. Also, the whole Rick Santorum incident didn't do him any favours.


Moderation is on. Apologies for any delays.

Err on the side of politesse and understatement please.

Before you speak, ask yourself if what you have to say will improve on silence.