On Saturday I spoke to the Texas Environmental Democrat caucus at the the statewide convention in Corpus Christi. There are few people on earth as delightful as Texas Democrats. Not that I always agree on everything with everyone, (nor do they with each other, which leads to a complicated dance I'm beginning to appreciate) but these are people with their hearts in the right place.
I write, however, neither to brag nor confess about this, but to tell you about something my camera saw. The photo (two clips shown; the top one, straight out of the camera, is to emphasize the fact of the matter, the other is more of a composition) is from 10:30 AM this morning (June 26) in Corpus Christi, which is in far southern Texas. That is to say, in brighter daylight than many people have seen in their lives.
You will note that the highway lights are glowing. I didn't notice at the time I took the photo, since I was squinting against the intense sunlight.
That is Texas for you. It is too complicated to turn off the highway lights in (extremely) bright sunlight.
(click on images for higher resolution)
Good observation. Too much of our lighting is based on habit with little attention to when it's on, where it's aimed, and which wavelengths it puts out. Light pollution, the bane of astronomers and anyone who likes the night sky represents one area of energy use that can be cut without adversely affecting anyone's quality of life.
Street lights can have deleterious effects (environmentally) even when used at the appropriate time. This is about lights helping predators feed when they shouldn't be able to:
It is the tradition in Texas, I've been told, to turn on the heat if too cold and also turn on the air conditioner when too hot.
I thought that was a joke when I first heard it.
I taught a class at Loyola U in downtown Chicago in a classroom where the heating system was stuck on and consequently the air conditioner ran constantly. Or maybe it was the other way around; I don't recall.
I tried to report it but nobody seemed to care. Too busy on the greater glory of God (school motto) I guess to actually worry about taking care of God's creations...
And I'm sure your familiar with having to carry a jacket to class at UT Austin in 98 degree weather because of the Classrooms are much too cold
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