National Crude Oil Production Sites and Crude Oil Pipelines
Central Gulf Coast Natural Gas Pipelines Wall Map

Well, if anybody owns copies of these things, the University of Texas has to. I wonder how to track them down. Maybe they are next door at the Bureau.
I uesd to work at the BEG when Fisher was head and Virgil Barnes was still around to talk about tektites. Great place for maps.
UT does have a Department of Petroleum Engineering. Ask around there first.
The Bureau of Economic Geology is easier for me, and they are pretty much Map Central.
Map Showing Geology, Oil and Gas Fields, and Geologic Provinces of the Gulf of Mexico Region 8.5 Mb
Energy Resources Mapping
zoom and toggle features. Production folder holds oil & gas well locations, by decade from 1910. First offshore wells in Gulf date from the '40s.
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